Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hail Storm

As we started to leave today for the Sandoval's house for lunch, I was noticing a huge cloud over my house that just didn't look right. I told Marcus, those are clouds that can produce Tornado's. As I started to drive away from my house, (literally 3 houses down) it started to hail. We pulled over under a tree to protect the truck. Now hail storms around here usually last around 5 min or less. I started calling Vycci after 15 min, telling her we were right in the middle of the storm and couldn't see enough to drive, so we would have to wait it out. Marcus noticed the clouds moving, so we were trying to see if we could see any funnels. But the weather was so bad we could see anything. It was then the radio was announcing Tornado's, and to take cover. The only cover we had was the truck under a tree. Not so good and not so safe. It was Vycci who kept calling telling us to start driving and head towards them. Both Marcus and I got out of the truck to try to push the hail off of the truck and to switch sides so Marcus could drive. When I stepped out my whole foot was covered in the hail. It looked like it had snowed. We finally was able to start driving. Cars were stuck all over the place. The streets were flooding. It was crazy. By the time we passed Tennyson, it was barely raining. You would have thought we were in a different state. But we did make it safely to the Sandoval's.


Liesl Law said...

wow! I slept through EVERYTHING! :)I woke up to flooding all over our yard but no hail! So weird! The next door neighbor said she was in Save A Lot on Pierce when the Tornado siren went off- the funnel was forming right over the store, and she had to go in their basement! CrAzY! Glad you are safe though!